


The name of the Society shall be “The Buckhurst Hill Horticultural Society”


The Objects of the Society shall be to encourage the science and practice of horticulture in gardens and allotments, the holding of shows and talks, the protection of members’ interests, providing trading facilities where possible and by such other means as the Committee shall decide.


Payment of the current annual subscription shall entitle any person to become a member of the Society and each member shall be issued with a membership card which shall carry entitlement for himself/herself and immediate family to free admission to the Society’s shows and all other benefits of membership.


The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee whose members, elected annually, shall comprise a President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and no more than twelve additional members of the Society. The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-Committees and to co-opt members as necessary.


The Funds of the Society shall be kept at a financial institution as the Committee shall decide and in an account in the Society’s name. All cheques drawn upon that account shall be signed by the Treasurer and the Chairman or Secretary. A financially examined statement of the account shall be prepared and presented annually to the General Meeting.


a.  An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually or as soon as practicable but not later than 18 months after the preceding Annual General Meeting for the purpose of considering the annual statement of account, the election of the Committee and Financial examiner, deciding the amount of annual subscription and resolving any other relevant business.  Fourteen days minimum notice shall be given of an Annual General Meeting.  Each member will carry one vote. 

The period of notice and voting for such a meeting shall be the same as that for an Annual General Meeting.


A recommendation that the affairs of the Society be wound up shall be considered only at an Extraordinary General Meeting, of not less than twenty members, called for that purpose. If a resolution to wind up is passed, a special committee shall be elected at the meeting to put into effect the winding up and disposal of the Society’s assets in accordance with the wishes of those present at the Extraordinary General Meeting, so as to best further the objects of the Society.


Alterations to the Constitution can only be made at an AGM or EGM called for that purpose.

January 2018

